U.S Government Could Be Making $42 Billion For Regulation Of Online Gambling

Oct.31, 2009

At last US Government has reached a crucial point, whether to regulate and legalize or not on the online gambling. An independent Group has given a statement that; the US government has decided to make tens of billions of dollars in tax revenue from the enterprise.

The Wall Street Journal is a most influential financial publication in the United States, Repeating from the Dow Jones newswire, has published a report stating that, over the next decade the US treasury would raise by $42 billion by legalizing the online gambling, by taking suitable measures in the US congress.

Estimation comes from the joint committee on taxation, a group that stands independently from any online casino advocacy group. By legalizing online gambling the government would make @41.8 billion over 10 years, the report states that. If that doesn’t motivate skeptical U.S. lawmakers, it’s hard to imagine what would.













