No Light for Online Gambling Bill

By Christopher Costigan | Sep.23, 2009

All the hullabaloo or excitement that was created for Online Poker bill, has died. There seems to be no ray of light for the legalization of online gambling bill. The Congressman Senator Ron Wyden has withdrawn the Poker bill, almost a week after it was proposed. The legalization of the online gambling bill, if passed would have been a great help in funding the state owned health care.

It was stated, that Wyden pulled away the gambling bill proposal, as he did not want any issue that would create a controversy later for the health care reform.

With this, it would now be more difficult for working families, to get an increase in subsidies offered to them so far, by introducing a new controversial issue to the ongoing debate. So, later when the bill is passed, it will be done along with other funding mechanisms.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also agreed to this, that, if the bill for online gambling is passed at this stage, it would turn out to be a significant diversion from the main issue of healthcare. And, this is not appropriate at this time.

This statement has also been supported by many a congressmen and women to avoid problems in future.

Ron Wyden’s legislation if passed, would have been a great help to Congressman Barney Frank’s H.R.2267, which is also regarding legalization of online gambling(especially poker), as Wyden’s bill would be a big help in funding revenue for state run health care.

Taxing all the income or money generated would help in increasing the state revenue.













